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New paths to empowering families to stay together.
The work under this initiative expands services in underserved communities in the target states and activates community networks to address the disproportionate number of children of color separated from their families. In the first year of the initiative, our teams across the four states have already successfully engaged nearly 40 local partners to support the transformative goals under this project.
Realizing the promise of the Family First Prevention Services Act.
The landmark bipartisan Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), which became law in February 2018, represents the most significant reform to federal child welfare policy in decades. Through our Family Stabilization Initiative, we are working with local and state partners to leverage this legislation and create new pathways that increase the number of children who can remain safely at home with their families.
The Family Stabilization Initiative has a goal to reach 580 families in crisis in underserved communities in Alaska, Montana, South Dakota and Washington.
Together We Can
Explore our video series that highlights the work of the Family Stabilization Initiative (FSI). The initiative is proactively working to address disparities in child welfare systems with the aim of keeping families together.
Phil Scarpelli
President and Chief Executive Officer,
National Center for Innovation & Excellence
Addressing Racial Inequities in Child Welfare Systems: Lutheran Services in America’s Collaborative Learning Model (summary of evaluation by
Wilder Research)
Advancing Equitable Outcomes in Child Welfare: A Toolkit for Sustainability (created in partnership with Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago)
Renada Johnson
Senior Director of Children, Youth and Family Initiatives
Elizabeth Vetter
Senior Program Associate